Piskar LiteRam d.o.o.
Miševa 1
SI-1230 Domžale
LITERAM is natural hair restoration treatment where special components are applied to hair. A special light enables the formation of new KERATIN which is bound to damaged molecules. Hair becomes compact, strong, shiny, easy to comb without the application of other products (conditioners, etc.).
The LITERAM therapy has helped women who experience problems with split ends, hair breaking and who cannot comb their hair without the use various of moisturizers, masks and conditioners or other products that soften hair. The therapy is appropriate for people with hair that grows only to a certain length while being very thin and breaking off. The LITERAM therapy completely restores hair that is rough to the touch and hair that lacks shine or becomes frayed after just a few dyeing procedures. Moreover, the therapy has beneficial effects on hair when you have problems with styling not lasting very long after washing. For example, when hair becomes very greasy already two days after washing and requires to be washed every two days. The therapy fits also when hair is very fine and thin as a result of a disease or diet and does not look as healthy as before. In the autumn, women with dehydrated and breaking hair as a result of a seaside holiday often undergo the therapy. The effects of the natural restoration treatment are PERMANENT!
The LITERAM therapy completely restores hair that is rough to the touch and hair that lacks shine or becomes frayed after just a few dyeing procedures. Moreover, the therapy has beneficial effects on hair when you have problems with styling not lasting very long after washing. For example, when hair becomes very greasy already two days after washing and requires to be washed every two days. The therapy fits also when hair is very fine and thin as a result of a disease or diet and does not look as healthy as before. In the autumn, women with dehydrated and breaking hair as a result of a seaside holiday often undergo the therapy.
No, while we only add to hair components that are a natural ingredient of hair – the KERATIN. The LITERAM therapy is the only procedure so far that changes the hair structure. This means that the components added during the therapy “fill in” empty spaces in hair (where damage occurs). The photochemical reaction which takes place during the therapy makes these ingredients an integral part of hair. Consequently, the added material does not wash out. The therapy enriches hair for natural ingredients – the KERATIN which was previously present in hair but disappeared during the process of wearing out. Therefore, it is a natural healing and restoration process of hair.
The therapy takes from 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on the length, thickness and degree of damage of your hair.
The wearing out process makes hair thinner and negatively affects the quality of hair. The LITERAM therapy makes hair thick and strengthens if from roots to ends. Hair becomes strong, thick, more voluminous, smooth and easy to comb without the use of a conditioner. While the ends are also restored, it is very likely that hair stops breaking already after the first round of therapy. The therapy can also partially in some cases fully eliminate split ends. The effect always depends on the quality and condition of hair before the LITERAM therapy.
The LITERAM therapy is effective on all hair types. However, the results may vary.
Hair structure always improves after the first therapy. Nevertheless, the intensity of the effect depends on the degree of damage, thickness, density and length of hair. In average the condition of hair improves for 20 percent during the first round of treatment. Averagely damaged hair can be fully restored after four to six therapies within the period of one year.
To maintain high quality of hair, we must repeat the therapy every several months while the wearing out process continues after the therapy. It is a natural process which cannot be prevented. And most clients continue to undergo chemical treatments of hair which negatively affect hair quality. The LITERAM therapy can eliminate the consequences of these processes and make your hair strong and healthy in spite of them. If your hair is very thin and damaged and you wish to achieve quick and significant results, we recommend you undergo four therapies in a period of six months. After that you should undergo a therapy every three to four months or whenever necessary. At the same time, it is highly recommended to pay attention to correct home haircare.
Clients who have long-term experience with the therapy can confirm this fact.
Surely the LITERAM therapy was not presented to your hairdresser by someone who understands its function. And your hairdresser might have never experienced the results of the therapy. However, the action and effect of the LITERAM therapy have been proved. The technology was designed by a scientist who was granted a special recognition at the EUREKA World Innovation Fair in Brussels in 1999.
The therapy can only be provided by specially trained LITERAM therapists. They monthly attend working meetings to upgrade knowledge and gain new experience. We have been organizing such meetings for the LITERAM therapists since 2009. Recertifications take place every year. Contact details of the certified LITERAM therapists are published on our website https://www.literam.net/en/therapists/.
Lasje so zelo kompleksen material. Njihova glavna sestavina je keratin in že ta je sestavljen iz 21 različnih struktur aminokislin. Vsaka izmed teh ima svojo kemijsko zgradbo in lastnosti, zato za tvorbo las v telesu potrebujemo ogromno snovi. Keratin je beljakovina, tako da če zelo posplošim, moramo ljudje uživati veliko beljakovin za dobro rast las. Da se beljakovina dobro presnavlja, pa potrebujemo tudi ogljikove hidrate, vitamine in tako naprej. Če želimo, da res dobro rastejo, se moramo prehranjevati uravnoteženo in redno. Diete in stres zelo vplivajo na rast las. Železo pa izpostavljamo, ker je dokazano eden izmed glavnih vzrokov za čezmerno izpadanje las pri ženskah.
Hair material is a complex material. The main component is keratin, but this gradient is composed of 21 different amino acids. Each of them has its own chemical structure and characteristics. Hair growth requires many substances. Keratin is a protein. To make things sound less complicated, we can say that we need enough protein to maintain fast hair growth. But protein metabolism requires carbohydrates, vitamins etc. Balanced and regular nutrition is necessary for good hair growth. Diets and stress significantly affect hair growth. We stress the key function of iron while it proven that lack of iron is one of the main reasons for excessive female hair loss.
Unlike female hair loss problems, male hair loss problems are often caused by the genetics. We must not underestimate the genetic factor when treating hair loss. Despite this factor, we have been able to significantly postpone hair loss for some time. Nowadays, we tend to use many aggressive cosmetic products, which cause earlier hair loss to people with sensitive hair follicles. Even when hair loss starts to occur, we may find a solution while hair follicles do not die off immediately. First, they become dormant for some time. With correct care we can encourage them to produce new hair once again. It is important that we approach hair loss problems in a complex way and from a long-term perspective while results cannot be achieved in a month.
The LITERAM therapy will be less effective if you do not support it by using the LITERAM haircare products. However, minor changes in improving the quality of your hair can be achieved also by a consistent use of the LITERAM haircare products. The latter are hair and scalp friendly due to a unique combination of ingredients which positively affect hair growth in the long term.
Scalp massage encourages blood circulation and consequently also hair growth. It helps to eliminate dandruff while the dead cells fall off. It is suitable also for relieving headache and stress which also cause hair loss.
Solid due to a high content of KERATIN which is the main hair component. In order to maintain healthy hair, you need to realize how healthy hair looks like and you need to learn how to achieve the proper strength of hair. Beautiful, healthy and shiny hair have always been the desire of every woman. However, most women face hair problems such as hair damage or thin, coarse, rough, dehydrated or greasy hair.
Miševa 1
SI-1230 Domžale
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